I bring a solid business understanding and commercial mindset to the team. In addition, I have a strong passion for sustainability and I’m skilled in sustainable business transitions and circular economy.

Client Leader

Eva Öjert

I have 15+ years of experience in working with brand and business development, and with creating change in projects. Both in large international companies and at operational and executive levels. I bring a solid business understanding and commercial mindset to the team. In addition, I have a strong passion for sustainability and I’m skilled in sustainable business transitions and circular economy.

I hold a double B.Sc. in Marketing and Economics from Stockholm School of Economics, I did my Master level studies in circular economy, sustainable development and change management and I have an MBA from Queensland University of Technology.

I am passionate to drive change towards a better future.
Eva Öjert

What inspires you?

Courageous business leaders who show us what sustainable leadership means. People that dare to think long-term and consider the impact of business, not only now but also on future generations. Leaders that challenge traditional approaches and drive innovation and large-scale transformation to create a better society tomorrow.

Name a great purpose example

I keep being inspired by Patagonia. They dare to go all in when it comes to being a sustainable business. They take bold moves by pushing the boundaries for what it means to be a responsible company, within their industry and for businesses in general.